Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stacking ForgeRock OpenIDM Up to the Competition

Researching ForgeRock OpenIDM 2.0, and the website’s claim to being flexible and easy to use, has sparked my interest into what the product has to offer. ForgeRock is growing in popularity in the development community because of its open availability and the user community forums. Developers are working together to help improve the software and make a strong code base. OpenIDM 2.0 is designed to help provide businesses with a solution for business process handling and compliance and the product excels at this by using JSON for reconciliation, synchronization, and mapping, making the process of bulk importing users into a system more developer/administrator friendly. 

Some key features of ForgeRock OpenIDM that I found interesting were features like its ability to integrate well with 3rd party legacy and cloud applications. OpenIDM leverages use of OpenICF (Open Source Identity Connector Framework), a set of connectors to a number of systems as well as offering the ability to extend with additional connectors. Just to re-emphasize, this product being Open Source and freely available to obtain and modify makes the value of using OpenIDM to meet a business’s Identity Management needs, a highly viable solution.

Identity Management isn't a new thing, and there are many other competing Identity Management products available. Some other similar products are NetIQ (formerly Novell) Identity Manager 4, Oracle Identity Manager 11G, or IBM Tivoli Identity Manager. For the purposes of this blog, I'll stick with NetIQ IDM 4, Oracle IDM 11G, and ForgeRock OpenIDM 2.0. 

After learning about how easy to obtain OpenIDM was, I went ahead and downloaded a copy from the site and I'm now giving it a try in a test environment. The product is most certainly something to take a look into if you are interested in Identity Management. I'm excited to dig into ForgeRock OpenIDM, so keep checking back for a future blog on my ForgeRock OpenIDM 2.0 User Experience.
Thank you for taking time to read my blog. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below as I am more than happy to answer any questions or comments.

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Interested in learning more about ForgeRock? Check out these other entries:
What is ForgeRock OpenAM?
ForgeRock's OpenIDM Open Source Identity Management
The Necessity of Identity Management 
View more entries

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